Stone 宝石:
Copper Rutilated Quartz 铜发晶水晶, Amethyst 紫水晶
Metal 金属:
14K Gold Filled 14K注金
Other Material 其他材质:
Synthetic Crystal 合成水晶, Clear Crystal Elastic Silicone Band 水晶弹力绳
Product Type 产品类型:
Bracelet 手串
Size 尺寸:
Length 链长 160mm
Copper Rutilated Quartz Bead 铜发晶水晶圆珠 7.1mm
Amethyst Bead 紫水晶圆珠 6.4mm
Because of the myth of its origins, this stone has been believed to prevent drunkenness and have the power to quell a range of other physical appetites and indulgences. This sobering effect is also believed to clarify mental acuity, improving the decision-making ability of those who wear it. This made it a popular choice for giving to young men--helping them avoid temptation and keeping them clear-minded when using weapons.
Leonardo Da Vinci once wrote that amethyst holds the power to dissipate evil thoughts and quicken one's intelligence. Healers have been using amethyst to increase their psychic abilities and intuition for centuries. Cross-culturally, this popular gemstone was used as a symbol of peace and unification. It is also thought to evoke feelings of serenity and calmness in those who wear it.
Amethyst is often used during meditation to provide an overall sense of spiritual balance. Some naturopaths will use amethyst to help treat insomnia and sugar imbalances, and to relieve headaches.
Copper Rutilated Quartz is a synergistic combination, bringing together the attunement, and acceleration of Rutile with the amplification of Clear Quartz or the grounding and strengthening influence of Smoky Quartz. This is an excellent crystal for manifestation and is highly programmable.
It can be used to magnify the energy of practically any intention or affirmation, with energy vibrating along the Rutile threads like electricity through wires.
Copper Rutilated Quartz quickens the process of manifestation, intuition, emotional catharsis, psychic opening, consciousness expansion, and inter-dimensional travel. It assists us in attuning to our Higher Self and helps us know if someone or situation is not serving us.
Copper Rutilated Quartz grounds Light energy on the cellular level, illuminating our every day lives, and assists in our attunement to the flow of graceful and divine action. It can activate our creative energy and ability to receive celestial inspiration and spiritual knowledge.