Stone 宝石:
Super Seven 超七水晶
Metal 金属:
No Metal 无金属
Other Material 其他材质:
Resin 滴胶
Product Type 产品类型:
Collectible 摆件
Size 尺寸:
78.6mm / 61.2mm / 54.9mm
The emotional, bodily, and spiritual bodies are all affected by Super Seven. It is a stone of the most significant awareness, boosting the vibrations of the user and other crystals. It never needs to be cleaned since it continually purifies itself and the space around it. It is the most sought-after crystal for connecting to the spiritual realm in meditation.
This gem will increase your aura-seeing talents by improving clairvoyance and psychic powers if you want to view auras. Super Seven can assist provide balance and wisdom to the user of this crystal if they are overwhelmed by the thought of channeling if the information flowing to them is too little or too much.