Stone 宝石:
Green Phantom Quartz 绿色幽灵水晶, Obsidian 黑曜石, Green Aventurine 绿色东陵玉
Metal 金属:
Alloy 合金
Other Material 其他材质:
Clear Crystal Elastic Silicone Band 水晶弹力绳
Product Type 产品类型:
Bracelet 手串
Size 尺寸:
Length 链长 200mm
Green Phantom Bead 绿色幽灵水晶圆珠 10.3mm
Obsidian Bead 黑曜石圆珠 8.1mm
Green Aventurine Bead 绿色东陵玉圆珠 14mm
The ultimate stone of growth and change, Phantom Quartz embodies the energy you need to reach the next level in life. Learning from the crystal itself, you can shift your mind-set to set yourself up for a breakthrough in any aspect of your life, from finances and relationships to career and beyond. Phantom Quartz inspires you to embrace, rather than shy away from, big changes so you can continue to up-level and evolve each and every day.
The Phantom Quartz properties teach us that the first step in letting go of past traumas is leaving behind the ego and allowing the soul to learn and grow from the experience. In fact, psychologists even have a name for this remarkable phenomenon – post traumatic growth (PTG). The Phantom Quartz reminds us that what doesn't kill us makes us stronger. And chances are, it's never as bad as we imagined anyway. After all, with the Phantom Quartz meaning in your spiritual orbit, its sacred medicine is full of wisdom from millions of years of evolution on the Earth’s crust.
In crystal healing, the Phantom Quartz meaning harnesses the healing vibrations found deep within the earth, giving it profound powers of insight and spiritual inspiration. If the Phantom crystal has captivated you with its alluring vibes and dramatic aesthetic, it could be a sign that you need help getting out of a rut in your life. When you meditate with Phantom Quartz, it works like a natural antidepressant but without any side effects. Everyone’s meditation practice is different, just as there is no right or wrong crystal to use. Any kind of energy work relies on your natural powers of intuition, so you can rest assured that you’ll always pick the right crystal you need in your life at that particular moment. In other words, the crystal picks you and not the other way around.
Though there isn't a "d" in the word, aventurine makes wearers think "adventure." Think optimism. Think bountiful. Think practical enthusiasm. This stone is believed to be a positive stone of prosperity, diffusing negative emotions, reinforcing leadership, promoting compassion and encouraging perseverance. It is a stone used to promote open-mindedness and the ability to see alternatives and possibilities, which is why it is considered a lucky stone for gamblers!
Specific colors of aventurine are thought to have additional properties:
Green: eases mental and emotional trauma, dissolving negative thought and bringing calm.
绿色: 缓解精神和情感创伤,化解消极思想,带来平静。
The Obsidian meaning is linked with the concept of darkness, and just like our ever-spinning planet and its phases of night and day, the human soul also contains elements of light and dark. A powerful protection stone, the Obsidian crystal meaning helps you identify your dark shadow side so that its healing properties can clear it away from your psyche. Instead of hiding from darker energies, the Obsidian stone shines a light on the negativity and clears it away, helping us to choose the path leading towards light and love.
Because of its reflective nature and protective energy, as well as the wide array of variations, an Obsidian crystal is well suited to a variety of intentions ranging from protecting your spirit to deeper energetic healing and self-discovery. Whether you meditate with the stone, place it in your space, or carry it with you as an energetic bodyguard, the benefits of working with the Obsidian meaning are highly effective.