Amber Astronaut Pendant Necklace 蜜蜡琥珀镶嵌太空人吊坠项链
Amber Astronaut Pendant Necklace 蜜蜡琥珀镶嵌太空人吊坠项链
Amber Astronaut Pendant Necklace 蜜蜡琥珀镶嵌太空人吊坠项链
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  • 将图片加载到图库查看器,Amber Astronaut Pendant Necklace 蜜蜡琥珀镶嵌太空人吊坠项链
  • 将图片加载到图库查看器,Amber Astronaut Pendant Necklace 蜜蜡琥珀镶嵌太空人吊坠项链

Amber Astronaut Pendant Necklace 蜜蜡琥珀镶嵌太空人吊坠项链


Stone 宝石:
Amber 蜜蜡琥珀

Metal 金属:
Alloy 合金

Other Material 其他材质:
Nylon Rope 编织绳

Product Type 产品类型:
Necklace 项链

Size 尺寸:
Length 链长 450+50mm
Entire Pendant Size 吊坠整体尺寸 27.4mm / 14.8mm / 19.8mm
Amber Cabochon 蜜蜡琥珀蛋面 10.7mm

Amber is thought to help absorb negative energy and to release bright, soothing energy, helping to calm nerves and enliven disposition like a mental sunny day. The different colors of amber are often used on the chakras with corresponding colors to facilitate opening and cleansing. Yellow amber has been used traditionally by natural healers to improve memory, increase mental flexibility and create balanced decision-making.

Amber has also been used, historically, as a talisman for courage and self-confidence, and was thought to bring good luck to warriors in battle. In some cultures, amber symbolizes the renewal of marriage vows and is used to assure promises. It is worn by elders as a symbol of their endurance and wisdom.
