Red Strawberry Quartz Amazonite Brooch 红色草莓晶天河石胸针
Red Strawberry Quartz Amazonite Brooch 红色草莓晶天河石胸针
Red Strawberry Quartz Amazonite Brooch 红色草莓晶天河石胸针
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  • 将图片加载到图库查看器,Red Strawberry Quartz Amazonite Brooch 红色草莓晶天河石胸针

Red Strawberry Quartz Amazonite Brooch 红色草莓晶天河石胸针


Stone 宝石:
Red Strawberry Quartz 红色草莓晶, Amazonite 天河石

Metal 金属:
Alloy 合金

Other Material 其他材质:
No Other Material 无其他材质

Product Type 产品类型:
Brooch 胸针

Size 尺寸:
44.6mm / 15.9mm


Strawberry Quartz carries a vibrational energy of love, and it can help you love yourself, something that many people find quite tricky.Strawberry Quartz helps to ensure that your talents do not go unnoticed and that others value your contributions.
One of the most useful properties of Strawberry Quartz is its ability to show you your life purpose and help you to work towards fulfilling your destiny. It can show you your path in life and bring you the answers you seek regarding finding your own bliss.
Strawberry Quartz can bring a sense of calm and tranquility during times of stress, and its gentle, nurturing vibration helps in the search for your soulmate or perfect love partner.
This crystal will help you to form strong attachments and friendships. It helps us find people who can both challenge and accept us, and as a spiritual support stone, it helps awaken our spiritual gifts and senses.


Amazonite is believed to have many metaphysical powers. Amazonite stones are also thought to have tremendous healing abilities. Similar to jade, amazonite is associated with money, luck and overall success. It's known as the "gambler's stone," encouraging good luck and fortune.

Amazonite is said to have a soothing effect on the nervous system. Since the nervous system controls our emotions a great deal, this stone is said to soothe tense and aggravated situations and to enhance love. Since this stone is associated with the throat and heart, it is best when worn as a necklace near these areas. Amazonite is said to bestow truth, honor and integrity to its wearer.

Amazonite is used to treat fatigue, trauma or anything else that may take energy away from a person. Amazonite is said to help problems with the thyroid glands and also aids in treating alcoholism. It has a gentle healing quality that is useful to nearly everyone in a general manner.
