Black Tourmalined Quartz Black Tourmaline Beads Bracelet 黑发晶水晶黑碧玺手串
Black Tourmalined Quartz Black Tourmaline Beads Bracelet 黑发晶水晶黑碧玺手串
Black Tourmalined Quartz Black Tourmaline Beads Bracelet 黑发晶水晶黑碧玺手串
Black Tourmalined Quartz Black Tourmaline Beads Bracelet 黑发晶水晶黑碧玺手串
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  • 将图片加载到图库查看器,Black Tourmalined Quartz Black Tourmaline Beads Bracelet 黑发晶水晶黑碧玺手串
  • 将图片加载到图库查看器,Black Tourmalined Quartz Black Tourmaline Beads Bracelet 黑发晶水晶黑碧玺手串
  • 将图片加载到图库查看器,Black Tourmalined Quartz Black Tourmaline Beads Bracelet 黑发晶水晶黑碧玺手串

Black Tourmalined Quartz Black Tourmaline Beads Bracelet 黑发晶水晶黑碧玺手串


Stone 宝石:
Black Tourmalined Quartz 黑发晶水晶, Black Tourmaline 黑碧玺

Metal 金属:
No Metal 无金属

Other Material 其他材质:
Blackwood 黑檀木, Clear Crystal Elastic Silicone Band 水晶弹力绳

Product Type 产品类型:
Bracelet 手串

Size 尺寸:
Length 链长 190mm
Black Tourmalined Quartz Bead 黑发晶水晶圆珠 8.6mm
Black Tourmaline 黑碧玺圆珠 10.1mm

Tourmalinated quartz is believed to protect the wearer from negative thoughts and emotions. It is said to be filled with energy that flashes through it and connects one with other fields of energy. Tourmalinated quartz is thought to provide a balancing of yin/yang energies and release negative patterns. It is used by some to treat disorders of the digestive tract and to detoxify the body. Tourmalinated quartz is aligned with the Zodiac signs Libra, Capricorn and Scorpio. It is associated with the 6th, Third Eye or Brow Chakra, but is also believed to be effective on the secondary chakras of the hands and feet, including the meridians.


The Black Tourmaline crystal healing properties are most well-known for protection-related intentions. By shielding your energy in a bubble of protection, the Black Tourmaline crystal meaning can ward off unwanted energy and low vibrations that come from other people, places, or even situations. By letting your stone absorb these bad vibes for you, you can keep your energetic vibration at a higher frequency.

When it comes to protection, the Black Tourmaline crystal meaning is powerful for more than just your personal energy – it’s also a protective shield for your home. In the same way that it acts as an energetic barrier for your energy field, it creates a barrier between the inside and outside of your home to keep bad vibes out and keep the inside vibrating at the highest frequency. The Black Tourmaline crystal stone is also one of the most powerful minerals for absorbing electromagnetic radiation, which makes it excellent for placing near computers and other electronics.

黑碧玺的强大之处不仅仅是个人能量 - 它也是保护家庭的盾牌。以同样的方式,它作为能量场的屏障,在家庭内部和外部之间创造了一个屏障,把不好的振动挡在外面,使内部振动保持在最高的频率。黑碧玺水晶也是吸收电磁辐射最强大的矿物之一,它非常适合放置在电脑和其他电子设备附近。

People experiencing adverse effects from Mars in their horoscope can wear blackwood to lessen these impacts and enhance academic performance as well as memory and intellectual capabilities. Blackwood can also be an invaluable talisman for businesspeople to help bring wealth and growth to their enterprises, as well as provide protection from evil eyes, witchcraft or any other negative energies that might appear.
