Lapis Lazuli Beads Bracelet 青金石珠链手链
Lapis Lazuli Beads Bracelet 青金石珠链手链
Lapis Lazuli Beads Bracelet 青金石珠链手链
Lapis Lazuli Beads Bracelet 青金石珠链手链
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  • 将图片加载到图库查看器,Lapis Lazuli Beads Bracelet 青金石珠链手链

Lapis Lazuli Beads Bracelet 青金石珠链手链


Stone 宝石: 
Lapis Lazuli 青金石, Carnelian 南红玛瑙

Metal 金属: 
14K Gold Filled 14K注金, Stainless Steel 钢丝

Other Material 其他材质: 
No Other Material 无其他材质

Product Type 产品类型: 
Bracelet 手链

Size 尺寸:
Length 链长 480-620mm
Lapis Lazuli Bead 青金石圆珠 2.6mm
Carnelian Bead 南红玛瑙圆珠 3.6mm
Carnelian Bead 南红玛瑙圆珠 2.9mm


The Sumerians believed that the spirit of their gods lived within the stone, while the ancient Egyptians saw it as a symbol of the night sky. Since the earliest of times, lapis lazuli has been associated with strength and courage, royalty and wisdom, intellect and truth.
From antiquity, lapis lazuli has been worn in the belief that it will ward off evil. In ancient Egypt, it was powdered and worn about the eyes to improve eyesight. Today, it is considered by some to be an aid to balancing the brow chakra (which influences vision and hearing). Imbalances of the brow (or blue) chakra are said to cause headaches, anxiety and disorders of the skin.


From antiquity, carnelian has been worn in cameos in the belief that it would ward off insanity and depression. In contemporary times, carnelian is thought by some to enhance self-esteem and creativity, to combat feelings of inadequacy, to increase physical energy and overcome insomnia. In the home, carnelian is believed to increase motivation towards action. It is sometimes used as a talisman to protect against fire and misfortune. Carnelian is associated with the solar plexus chakra (the yellow chakra), in which imbalances are thought to cause digestive problems, as well as lack of confidence.
