Black Tourmalined Quartz Beads Bracelet 黑发晶水晶手串
Black Tourmalined Quartz Beads Bracelet 黑发晶水晶手串
Black Tourmalined Quartz Beads Bracelet 黑发晶水晶手串
Black Tourmalined Quartz Beads Bracelet 黑发晶水晶手串
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Black Tourmalined Quartz Beads Bracelet 黑发晶水晶手串


Stone 宝石:
Iolite 堇青石, Black Tourmalined Quartz 黑发晶水晶, Rose Quartz 粉水晶

Metal 金属:
Alloy 合金

Other Material 其他材质:
Clear Crystal Elastic Silicone Band 水晶弹力绳

Product Type 产品类型:
Bracelet 手串

Size 尺寸:
Length 链长 180mm
Black Tourmalined Quartz Bead 黑发晶水晶圆珠 6.1mm
Rose Quartz Bead 粉水晶圆珠 6.3mm
Iolite Cabochon 堇青石蛋面 7.8mm / 5.9mm


Tourmalinated quartz is believed to protect the wearer from negative thoughts and emotions. It is said to be filled with energy that flashes through it and connects one with other fields of energy. Tourmalinated quartz is thought to provide a balancing of yin/yang energies and release negative patterns. It is used by some to treat disorders of the digestive tract and to detoxify the body. Tourmalinated quartz is aligned with the Zodiac signs Libra, Capricorn and Scorpio. It is associated with the 6th, Third Eye or Brow Chakra, but is also believed to be effective on the secondary chakras of the hands and feet, including the meridians.


It's not surprising, with iolite's ability to help sailors navigate, that the gem became known as the gemstone of clear vision. Iolite was believed to be able to help lost sailors find their way home and was worn by seafaring men. Iolite metaphysical beliefs suggest the gemstone can guide the lost home as well as the ability to open spiritual pathways that connect the living with the dead. Iolite has been used by shamans to enhance their ability to have clear visions. Some legends even say iolite strengthens eyesight. Other metaphysical beliefs hold that iolite promotes pure thoughts, intuition and self-acceptance. Iolite is associated with the zodiac signs Libra, Sagittarius and Taurus.


Rose quartz is associated with love, the heart and beauty, and is thought to be a healing aid for the heart chakra. Imbalances of this chakra have been said to cause colds, allergies and psychosomatic illnesses. When in balance, the heart chakra is thought to make one open to love and compassion. Some believe that rose quartz has calming effects and helps people develop strong friendships.
