Dravite Brown Tourmaline Bag Pendant 棕色碧玺镶嵌包包吊坠
Dravite Brown Tourmaline Bag Pendant 棕色碧玺镶嵌包包吊坠
Dravite Brown Tourmaline Bag Pendant 棕色碧玺镶嵌包包吊坠
  • 将图片加载到图库查看器,Dravite Brown Tourmaline Bag Pendant 棕色碧玺镶嵌包包吊坠
  • 将图片加载到图库查看器,Dravite Brown Tourmaline Bag Pendant 棕色碧玺镶嵌包包吊坠
  • 将图片加载到图库查看器,Dravite Brown Tourmaline Bag Pendant 棕色碧玺镶嵌包包吊坠

Dravite Brown Tourmaline Bag Pendant 棕色碧玺镶嵌包包吊坠


Stone 宝石:
Dravite  棕色碧玺, CZ 锆石

Metal 金属:
Alloy 合金

Other Material 其他材质:
No Other Material 无其他材质

Product Type 产品类型:
Pendant 吊坠

Size 尺寸:
Entire Size 整体尺寸 15.7mm / 14.2mm / 4.9mm
Dravite Cabochon 棕色碧玺切面 4.4mm


Dravite is a very strong grounding stone that raises one’s stamina, life force, and protective energies. Our root and heart chakras become open and active when working with or carrying Dravite daily.  This stone is here to calm and soothe your mind so that you may think and act with a level head. Dravite urges us to fully root down into the physical plane with an open heart that is eager to love, yet always protected. Its a very protective stone over your aura, and provides a barrier between other people’s energy and your own. Dravite works specifically with the heart chakra to provide self-healing and rejuvenating energies. By opening up your heart and allowing pain and grief to be faced, only then will one be able to truly move forward on the road to recovery. This stone is here to help you face those emotions with an abundance of love and protective energies.
