Citrine Resin Teddy Bear Ornament Key Ring 黄水晶滴胶小熊挂饰钥匙扣
Citrine Resin Teddy Bear Ornament Key Ring 黄水晶滴胶小熊挂饰钥匙扣
Citrine Resin Teddy Bear Ornament Key Ring 黄水晶滴胶小熊挂饰钥匙扣
Citrine Resin Teddy Bear Ornament Key Ring 黄水晶滴胶小熊挂饰钥匙扣
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Citrine Resin Teddy Bear Ornament Key Ring 黄水晶滴胶小熊挂饰钥匙扣


Stone 宝石:

Citrine 黄水晶

Metal 金属:
Alloy 合金

Other Material 其他材质:
Resin 滴胶

Product Type 产品类型:
Ornament 挂饰

Size 尺寸:
Length 整体长度 130mm
Citrine Resin Teddy Bear 黄水晶滴胶小熊 66.8mm / 42.8mm / 17.6mm

Citrine is the November birthstone and for the zodiac sign of Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21). Citrine has been referred to as the "success stone," "merchant's stone" or "money stone," due to a superstition that it would bring prosperity. Because of its yellow color, citrine is thought of as a joyous stone with sunshiny energy to brighten up the lives of those who work with it and wear it.

The color of the solar plexus chakra is yellow, so citrine is associated with this chakra. It is thought to have a positive influence that can relieve backache and combat depression, negative energy and problems with the liver, spleen, digestive system and the bladder.

黄水晶是十一月的诞生石,代表天蝎座(10月23日- 11月21日)。黄晶石被称为“成功石”、“商人石”或“金钱石”,认为它会带来繁荣。因为它的黄色,黄水晶被认为是一种具有阳光般的能量的快乐的石头,照亮那些使用它和佩戴它的人的生活。
