Iolite Love Heart Pendant Necklace 堇青石爱心吊坠项链
Iolite Love Heart Pendant Necklace 堇青石爱心吊坠项链
Iolite Love Heart Pendant Necklace 堇青石爱心吊坠项链
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  • 将图片加载到图库查看器,Iolite Love Heart Pendant Necklace 堇青石爱心吊坠项链
  • 将图片加载到图库查看器,Iolite Love Heart Pendant Necklace 堇青石爱心吊坠项链

Iolite Love Heart Pendant Necklace 堇青石爱心吊坠项链


Stone 宝石: 
Iolite 堇青石

Metal 金属: 
Alloy 合金

Other Material 其他材质: 
Nylon Rope 编织绳

Product Type 产品类型: 
Necklace 项链

Size 尺寸: 

Length 450+50mm
Entire Pendant Size 吊坠整体尺寸 19.6mm / 13mm / 6mm 
Iolite Love Heart Cabochon 堇青石爱心蛋面 11.8mm / 11.4mm / 6mm



It's not surprising, with iolite's ability to help sailors navigate, that the gem became known as the gemstone of clear vision. Iolite was believed to be able to help lost sailors find their way home and was worn by seafaring men. Iolite metaphysical beliefs suggest the gemstone can guide the lost home as well as the ability to open spiritual pathways that connect the living with the dead. Iolite has been used by shamans to enhance their ability to have clear visions. Some legends even say iolite strengthens eyesight. Other metaphysical beliefs hold that iolite promotes pure thoughts, intuition and self-acceptance. Iolite is associated with the zodiac signs Libra, Sagittarius and Taurus.
